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Off Season Forum Activity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Muggsy, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Greetings Cobalt Owners....

    First, I'm going to apologize in advance for this really lengthy post but hey....its the boating off season so what else do you have to do? Right?

    As summer turns to Fall and Fall to Winter, the majority of the Cobalt boating community is putting their boats away for the winter with the exception of those in the warmer climes. As a result, the activity of our Forum has dropped off considerably as well. This concerns me and I expressed this to Rob (Tonka Boater), the owner of our Forum.

    The Sea Ray Forum that Rob and I both are still members of, maintains very robust activity during the winter months and I believe it is, in part, due to the sheer number of members (10,000), and the type of boats they have. Sea Ray manufactures Cruisers as well as runabouts. Cruisers are used more in the Winter than runabouts, contributing to the continued forum activity in what we would consider, "The Off Season". But it's a bit more than that.

    I have been a member of that Forum for over 11 years and have come to "know virtually" many of the members. I have even met several. As we have gotten to "know", and trust each other, we have helped each other with boat issues including everything from upgrades, problems, recommendations, finding brokers, buying and selling advice, sharing upgrades, pictures....basically just about everything that has to do with boats. But it didn't stop there. We've offered advice, commiseration, prayer and condolences to member-friends that have lost jobs, family members, friends and pets and shared joy over new kids, grandkids, puppies and even new boats We've shared pics and stories of other passions like cars, planes, RVs as well as social issues. There is currently a very active, 160+ thread post, on the current situation in the NFL.

    So why do I bring this all up? Because I don't own a Sea Ray anymore....I own a Cobalt....or pieces of one, and I would like to see the same sort of friendship, trust and comradery here, that is enjoyed there. I don't feel we will ever hit 10,000 members as there just aren't as many Cobalts as there are Sea Rays. But I asked Rob what thoughts he had to keep interest up in our forum during the off season. The first thing he did was offer me a position as an Administrator of the site. He has been traveling a lot for business and needed someone to assist in running the forum. I'm retired and offered to give it a shot.

    So what would you like to see on these pages? I would like some input from you....this is your forum. Here are a few of mine and Rob's thoughts....
    1. Cobalt has been sold to Malibu Boats. What does that mean to us. I would like to have a representative from Cobalt/Malibu corporate to provide us with periodic updates regarding the transition of ownership and how it relates to us.
    2. I want to find several Technical Reps that will post an article occasionally and will make themselves available to answer questions. Reps from Cobalt, Mercruiser, Volvo, Raymarine, Garmin and Bennett (trim tabs) for starters.
    3. Post How-To threads from time-to-time.
    4. Establish a YouTube Video Reference guide or library on subjects related to our boats.
    5. Engage in conversations such as the NFL or hear your comments regarding the recent tragedy in Las Vegas. Were any of you there? Do you know anyone that was?
    6. Was anyone, family or boat, affected by any of the recent hurricanes?
    These are just a few ideas we have but as I said, we want to hear what you would like. Personally, I have been waiting a while for a Cobalt Forum like this. We all know we have very special boats and we need a place like this to come for advice, information, to vent or share things about boating or....whatever.

    Very interested in feedback
  2. thunder550

    thunder550 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2017
    Scottsdale, AZ
    1995 Cobalt 252
    502 Mag EFI
    2017 GLE43
    I have already found myself defaulting to the Cobalt Owners FB group or THT & iBoats forums for questions just due to the high levels of activity there. I would absolutely like to help grow this forum as well, so as long as it's welcome, I will start new threads here for questions and post follow-ups even if there's no replies.

    I like your ideas above, especially regarding representatives from the different manufacturers. Always nice to have a rep to go to for the more complicated questions.
  3. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Thank you. Response noted....
    Tonka Boater likes this.
  4. Keepin' It Classic

    Keepin' It Classic Moderator Staff Member Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Emporia, KS
    1979 Cobalt 19BR
    Volvo Penta 7.4 EFI/DuoProp
    2012 Ford F-150 w/3.5 EcoBoost
    Well said Shawn. I know that for me personally I haven’t posted much in any boating community lately as our family has been very busy and the boating hasn’t been on our mind.

    I do enjoy marine chat through the winter... it’s what keeps my blood pumping!

    I prefer not to talk NFL current events mainly because boating sites are my escape from that nonsense!

    I love your passion! Keep it coming!
    thunder550 likes this.
  5. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Thanks for the thoughts. Please keep your contributions coming and if you think of anything else to add, please do.

    Keepin' It Classic likes this.
  6. Ozob

    Ozob New Member Founding Member

    Jul 24, 2017
    Celina Tx
    2007 Cobalt 272
    Volvo Penta 8.1
    2015 Chevrolet 2500 Duramax Z-71
    I'm all for additional tech people participating, reference library (Packard Club has one and it is invaluable), and other boat related items. HOWEVER, no NFL, no Vegas, in other words NO POLITICS! I've seen it ruin other sites as it will eventually take over the site and cause a lot of bitterness & ill will. Unfortunately, I myself have left a few groups due to the political issues and the lack of staying the course....this site needs to move forward with just boat related items only.
    Keepin' It Classic likes this.
  7. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Your reply and thoughts are noted and appreciated. One of the challenges in an open forum is trying to appease all members of that forum. That said, I don't disagree with you. Personally, I have my own thoughts about the topics you mentioned and I feel that if people want to post thoughts and opinions on these topics there are better online venues for posting those thoughts.

    So....while I personally agree with you, Rob (Tonka Boater) is the owner of this site and ultimately, that decision would be his. However, while I would never try to speak for Rob, I am fairly certain he would want to keep the membership on as even a keel as possible and not harbor an environment that would encourage members to leave. As said, there are better venues to express political that a site dedicated to Cobalt boats.

    Again, thank you for your response and we will look to find the boating related topics and items that will generate interest of the members. If you think of other topics that you would like to see please speak up.

  8. Walt P

    Walt P Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Prarie Creek Marina
    2001 Cobalt 262
    Volvo 8.1L Gi 375 HP
    Hey Shawn, just finally catching up after a few trying weeks with older parents. But since that topic is not about boating, we'll leave it at that.

    Boating has become my passion, and I use it to filter out what I hear/see on other forms of media and communication vehicles because much of the world has gone bat crap crazy. So when I come to this site, I am all about boats/boating/repairs/maintenance/parts/sales/how do i's.....etc. I frankly want nothing to do with politics, sports, or anything that has nothing to do with boating. Weather that affects boating like hurricanes, tornadoes, micro bursts, snow (can't believe I said that) and how we as a community can help our virtual friends who's boats have been affected by weather related events are absolutes.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not an uncaring myopic individual, I just firmly believe that there is a time and place for everything. And for me, this forum is the place for all thing's Cobalt, whether new or older (and I really enjoy seeing people taking care of the classics).

    Expanding the membership to include feedback/information from the companies we deal with owning a Cobalt is the right thing to do. They should be the experts in the product they represent.

    Anyway, my buck three eighty. Thanks for putting the question out there.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    Keepin' It Classic likes this.
  9. Tonka Boater

    Tonka Boater Site Owner Staff Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Wayzata, MN
    1997 Cobalt 232
    502 MAG / Bravo I
    2016 Yukon Denali
    Hello all! First off -- I haven't died or won the lottery and I truly apologize for my absence lately.

    Shawn -- thank you for taking the helm here (so to speak) in my absence and for posting this thread. Your passion and willingness to help me out is GREATLY appreciated. Although you said you don't want to speak for me, you did a great job because you said everything exactly as I would say it. The bottom line is that we're all passionate about boating and specifically about our Cobalts. Let's keep all conversation civil and stay away from hot button topics of politics and religion.

    The reason I haven't been active lately is because I've been traveling a ton for my real job, then my weekends have been filled with my kids' sports. Over the past few months my clients have taken me from California to West Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Toronto, Memphis, Nashville and others that I'm forgetting right now. I'm hoping to slow down in the next weeks and focus more attention on Club Cobalt.

    In the meantime, you all are in good hands with Shawn steering the boat. And, although I started the forum, this isn't my website...the site is ours. Anyone who participates is as much of an owner as I am. The goal from day one has been to build a true community for us and a single person can't own a community.

    Thank you again Shawn, Andrew, Walt and everyone else who's been active here!!!!
  10. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Thanks Rob. For the last 9 years of my working life I traveled the US 38-40 weeks a year. I really liked what I was doing but the travel beat me, and my marriage, up pretty good. Ironically, I am now retired, sort of, and my wife is traveling. Understanding the travel, let me say, welcome home.

    I am pleased you are good with my comments on the direction of the Forum. I personally have no issues with keeping it all boat and especially Cobalt Boats. You and I can communicate in the near future on the best way to, first, attract additional members; second, provide topics worthy of discussion here and, third, determine the best way to find some new and interesting articles, stickys and hopefully, tech tips.

    To all members, we are very open to hearing what you would like to see here that will help you get through the depressing Cobalt Off-Season. Give us your ideas and suggestions and we will see what we can do.
    Keepin' It Classic likes this.
  11. Walt P

    Walt P Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Prarie Creek Marina
    2001 Cobalt 262
    Volvo 8.1L Gi 375 HP
    Wow! Hear that? Crickets.
    Been very little activity here since the beginning of the month.
    Curious what people are up to. Our Cobalt is still lake ready and will be used right up until Nov1, when it gets cold enough to winterize. We should be out on it this weekend. Hope some folks surface here soon.
    Keepin' It Classic likes this.
  12. Keepin' It Classic

    Keepin' It Classic Moderator Staff Member Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Emporia, KS
    1979 Cobalt 19BR
    Volvo Penta 7.4 EFI/DuoProp
    2012 Ford F-150 w/3.5 EcoBoost
    I was hoping to run mine this weekend. However, it’s supposed to freeze here Friday. Looks like mine is getting winterized tomorrow.

    Hoping to work on a few things this winter. Might even build my new side panels...
    Walt P likes this.
  13. thunder550

    thunder550 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2017
    Scottsdale, AZ
    1995 Cobalt 252
    502 Mag EFI
    2017 GLE43
    We've been out on the lake every weekend since purchasing the boat. Got a swim platform install happening tomorrow, and another trip planned for Sunday. Out of town the two weeks after, then maybe another weekend on the water. Been slowly checking things off my list of stuff to fix, next big one is refinishing the drive.
    Walt P likes this.
  14. Walt P

    Walt P Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Prarie Creek Marina
    2001 Cobalt 262
    Volvo 8.1L Gi 375 HP
    Winter is a good time to do those things. I plan on having my front seats recovered.
  15. Walt P

    Walt P Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Prarie Creek Marina
    2001 Cobalt 262
    Volvo 8.1L Gi 375 HP
    It's amazing how repainting the drive makes the whole boat look better. When I got mine, the trim Rams were chipping. Now it looks so much better now that I gave done that. Will likely touch up again in the spring after the season start detail.
  16. Jevon Jamieson

    Jevon Jamieson Member Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Rogers, AR
    2013 Cobalt 242
    Volvo 6.0L 380hp
    2012 F150 Lariat 4x4
    What paint would be could to repaint the lower unit on a merc.? I need to touch up the scag on mine.
  17. Walt P

    Walt P Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Prarie Creek Marina
    2001 Cobalt 262
    Volvo 8.1L Gi 375 HP
    Jevon, I know Mercruiser makes touch up paint as does Volvo. since I have a Volvo drive, I know what to get for that. For Mercruiser, you can find on Amazon or other sites. Depending on how scraped up your skeg gets (and they do get scraped up) you may have to prime with zinc chromate first.
  18. Jevon Jamieson

    Jevon Jamieson Member Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Rogers, AR
    2013 Cobalt 242
    Volvo 6.0L 380hp
    2012 F150 Lariat 4x4
    Thanks for the info. It is pretty scraped up. I want to do it just for looks.
  19. Muggsy

    Muggsy Administrator Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Covington, LA
    1985 Cobalt CM23
    Center-mounted 383 Stroker w/Alpha jackshaft drive
    2006 Ford F250 6.0 Diesel
    Thunder 550 repainted his entire outdrive I think and did a beautiful job. The color you want is called Mercury Phantom Black and as Walt stated you can find it most places that sell boat accessories. You might send Thunder550 a private message to get his attention. Let me know if you don't get a response.
  20. Jevon Jamieson

    Jevon Jamieson Member Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Rogers, AR
    2013 Cobalt 242
    Volvo 6.0L 380hp
    2012 F150 Lariat 4x4
    I ordered a can of primer and paint today. Thanks for the information.

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