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Michigan City SuperBoat Races

Discussion in 'Great Lakes' started by 3pointstar, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. 3pointstar

    3pointstar Active Member Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Granger, Indiana
    2000 -- 226
    7.4 MPI- 310hp
    GMC 2500 Durmax
    Hi everyone - just thought I would post this site if you are in the area.


    Been there a couple of times - only watched the race from the shore - but the boats are over the top - Most have more wrapped up in their tow vehicles than I do in my 401(k).
  2. Tonka Boater

    Tonka Boater Site Owner Staff Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Wayzata, MN
    1997 Cobalt 232
    502 MAG / Bravo I
    2016 Yukon Denali
    Thanks for sharing, 3point!
  3. 3pointstar

    3pointstar Active Member Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    Granger, Indiana
    2000 -- 226
    7.4 MPI- 310hp
    GMC 2500 Durmax
    We went up the day before the races - practice runs - lake Michigan was pretty nasty - solid 5-7' waves. However, that didn't stop the big boys -- they truly are crazy -- we witnessed some pretty fast boats "hauling the mail" up and down the shoreline - if you couldn't see them you sure like heck could hear them - this is a different world than pleasure boating- in the pits we watched them align a couple Merc 1350's M6 drives within a 1/16" of each other. I will admit the smaller the race team the nicer the people were - that's not to distract from the real big boys - Cleveland Construction, Stihl etc. -- all were very friendly. But the little guys had more time talk and explain the little things about their boats, engines etc. Also most of the big boy tow vehicles were over the top. I told my son they have more wrapped up in the trucks/trailers etc., than we have in our 401k.

    Race day turned out to be very calm - I believe around 1'. However, it was too late for me to bring the boat there to watch the race from the water. Maybe next year!!!!

    I will say this much - in my next life I'm coming back rich instead of so darn good looking.

    All the best and be safe!

  4. Tonka Boater

    Tonka Boater Site Owner Staff Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Wayzata, MN
    1997 Cobalt 232
    502 MAG / Bravo I
    2016 Yukon Denali
    LOL! That's good.

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